What denomination is this ministry? We are a non-denominational ministry. We accept all people from all Christ filled denominations.
Will I be in a group sessions with other people seeking ministry? No, this is a “personal” ministry session. This means it will be time devoted to you personally. Your sessions will have 2-4 ministers in each one solely focused on your healing, restoration and needs at all times.
How can I receive ministry? You will need to contact us and we will schedule a phone call with you. We will explain the ministry as well as go over any questions you may have. You will then receive an application by email. You will need to fill it out and mail or email the completed application back to us in 2 weeks prior to your sessions. The application does not determine your ability to receive ministry; it is for you to be introspective as well as for us to pray and intercede before you come.
Can I bring my spouse? Yes, we do ministry for married couples, and it is very powerful to have the two parties coming together. You will need to book the 5 day retreat package for both of you. Your sessions will be done individually as well as jointly over those 5 days. We believe that the cord of three strands, as spoken in Ecclesiastes 4:12, is three individual “healthy” strands brought together. Therefore, we will be focused on your individual healing as well as your relationship restoration with one another.
What is the time frame of the retreat packages and how long are the sessions? Each session is around 3 hours long. This time can vary depending on what the Holy Spirit is doing. However, 3 hours is our general guide. For Individuals-the total ministry package for an individual is 2.5 days which equals around 15+ hours “per” person; the first two days of the retreat will be a total of 2 sessions each day. The last day is one session which is our dream session. For couples– the total ministry package is 5 days and around 30+ hours of ministry. Each individual will receive the 15 hours of ministry per person in the couples retreat package.
What time will I be finished on my last day? Your ministry sessions will be completed and finished by 1:30pm on the last day of your retreat.
Can I bring my phone into my sessions? We do ask that all cell phones be turned off during your sessions and left by the front door to avoid interruptions. You will be allowed to bring it into your last session to record your dream and prophecy session.
Will I have a lunch break? Yes, you will have a 2 hour break to rest, eat, journal, and spend time with the Lord. You may pack a lunch and go to the nearby parks, or there are restaurants that are available as well.
Do I need to get a hotel or Airbnb? Depending on where you live, yes, you will need to make accommodations for your stay prior to your arrival. We do have a few recommendations as far as Airbnb’s that we can provide you upon your request. Your ministry time is separate from your travel, and place of stay.
Do you take children? Yes, we can do ministry with children upon discussion with the parents. We have had great results with children and teens who have come through the ministry. There will be a waiver for the parent to sign if the ministry team chooses to take the child.
Can I schedule an appointment for someone else? No, we must speak with the individual, and they must have the desire to come. We will not override someone’s free will choice. If you are coming as a couple, your spouse must be willing and desire to come as well. We will not do ministry with anyone who is not willing to receive ministry.
How do apply for ministry to get on the schedule? We typically stay booked well in advance, however once you contact us we will schedule a phone call to go over things with you. We will provide you with available dates. We do have a waiting list as well, so please be sure to notify us if you would like to come sooner than the current availability. You may email and/or call the phone number located on this website under “contact us”. This will start your process of applying for ministry here at CFC.
What time zone are you in? We are located in Canton, Georgia and are on Eastern Standard Time.
What is the exact address of the ministry center? That information will be provided to you as you book your time with us.
Can I record my sessions? No, you cannot. These sessions can contain very detailed and sensitive information. Therefore we ask that you make sure to have all cell phones turned off. We strictly prohibit bringing any recording devices into your sessions. You will have a time at the very end to record the last session. That is the dream and prophecy session. We will notify you when it is time to record.
How am I going to be able to retain all the information I receive? You will be receiving a folder when you arrive. This folder will continue to be filled in with your personalized notes. You will receive notes from each of your ministry sessions. You will also receive handouts specifically tailored for you. These will be helpful tools for you as you walkout your healing journey.
Can I just do one session? No, not to begin with. During your beginning journey with us it is deep and very fruitful. This time here is about devoting yourself to the process and taking time away from the regular world, and getting real with God. This is about a deep dive with the Lord to reveal and heal the wounds and patterns in your life. These are the things that have kept you from your true identity of being all that you were created to be in Christ Jesus. Therefore, we require each individual to receive the minimum of 2.5 days; this is better known as 5 sessions each. This allows the person to fully benefit from a more complete healing process.
Following this retreat time with us you may book individual sessions, however the first trip with us is a retreat package which opens the door for the rest of the opportunities here at CFC.
Can I work between my sessions? You can, but we can assure you that you will not be able to fully receive all that the Lord has for you. This is about a “retreat” with the Lord, and getting away from the regular stresses of everyday life. We ask that you turn off your cell phones and computers. Taking time to step away from work as much as possible while you are here and really focusing on the Lord and what is being revealed to be healed.
How much does it cost per person? We are a 501c3 non profit ministry. We are based solely on donations. These provide for the ministry center, ministers and the ministry support/upkeep. But we do not turn anyone away for financial reasons! We ask that you simply pray before and during your time here with us. Ask the Lord what it is He would have you to give into this ministry. We have people in all financial stages of life. Those who can give any amount help us to fund the ministry in a ways beyond upkeep, namely our scholarship fund to provide for those who want to come but cannot due to financial resources.
I’m not sure I can afford to come, what should I do? We want to stress: we do not turn anyone away for financial reasons. This is not about the money, but rather the freedom the Lord wants for His children! If you cannot make a donation, or are struggling in this area, we simply ask that you speak with us about this topic. We do have a scholarship fund and donors that can help during these times. Especially for those who are struggling financially. We repeat, we do not turn anyone away for financial reasons! But you must reach out and communicate this with us!
Do I have to make a donation prior to my arrival? Yes, for individuals there is a $500 non refundable gift required to book this time. For couples booking a week with us there is a $1000 non refundable gift required to book this time. “If” you choose to reschedule we will apply that donation to the next scheduling date of you choice, one time. Please know that continual cancellations may result in you being declined for future ministry.
Are there any standards that are required for me to receive ministry? The only requirements are for you to be willing to receive what the Lord has for you. Also, that you are desiring healing and willing to change in whatever the Lord reveals to you. We do ask that you believe in Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. Your walk with the Lord doesn’t have to be in perfect shape, as we see people struggling in all areas of their life. This ministry is about the restoration of your relationship with the Lord so that you can fulfill your purpose and destiny in this Earth. We do have some people come through this ministry who are on the fence. Many people question the Lord and even their own beliefs about who God is and what they truly believe. That is okay, as we know that things happen to cause a separation of faith; this ministry is here to help heal those circumstances.
Do I have to come in person?
No. We now offer online ministry retreat sessions that can be done in the comfort of your own home or office. However we do believe that stepping away from your everyday life can be very powerful. We do encourage in person ministry but we know that life and expenses can make travel difficult.. we are here to serve you in all your ministry needs and as of 2025 we are offering all of our services online and in person.
What does followup look like following my time with you?
1.) We offer 2 complimentary 1.5 hour follow up sessions available to each individual who attends the ministry retreat to help with any needs you may have.
2.) We also consider you family and encourage you to reach out as needed for any need that may spring up.
3.) We have classes you can take following your time with us that can help you continue to grow as you walk out your time here.
4.) We also now offer additional bookable 2-3 hour personal ministry sessions with us as needed and these are available after you have completed a retreat with us.
5.) We are offering a wide range of additional sessions in various categories to help assist in the healing of the past. These can include things like generational bloodline cleansing, breaking off freemasonry, learning to walk in the spirit, identifying strategies of the enemy in your life, courts of heaven prayer sessions, Decoding and understanding your dreams, household cleansing, walking in your gifts and much more. During your retreat time here we will discuss any additional sessions for further healing during your ministry time with us.