Britt and Shannon Henderson

Britt Henderson is a Co-Founder of CFC Ministries with a powerfully strong Apostolic, Prophetic and Pastoral anointing. His mission came years ago when he laid his life down to follow the path less traveled into full time ministry, forsaking all the world was offering him through a life in business. Heeding the call God had placed on his life, he stepped out in faith and has not looked back.
Britt began his ministry by walking in the “Prophetic Call” he knew God had placed on his life; which started by the power of the Holy Spirit in leading people through what is known as personal ministry. This began even more to reveal the Father’s Heart for His children and he began to witness countless lives that have been radically transformed, healed and set free of what seemed to be impossible circumstances. Since then the ministry God began in him years ago has flourished into a full time calling and destiny to reach the nations with this revelation of identity, purpose and destiny. He believes in Malachi 4:6- “returning the hearts of the children to their fathers and the heart of the Father to his Children”. His life’s mission is made clear through that foundational scripture. His heart resides in bringing “Restoration to the Generations” both now and in all the generations to come. His goal is to impart truth and love, releasing God’s children to walk in their full identity, purpose and destiny.
Shannon is a Co-Founder of CFC Ministries. She serves as an Ordained Minister, a Prophetic Intercessor, and a Seer. She has a powerful testimony full of extraordinary miracles that God has performed in her life. She carries a story of “Hope” through God’s Grace and Mercy upon her journey. She has faith that everyone can walk in the miraculous life that God has created them to have from the foundation of the world.
Shannon wholeheartedly believes that if everyone could see their “True Identity” and God’s “Relentless and Unstoppable Love” upon their lives, it would shake the world~ setting the captives free and bringing forth revival like the world has not yet seen. Shannon’s deepest desire is to see healing, freedom and revival brought to all nations through the power of God’s transforming love, grace and mercy.
Shannon knows that everyone can walk in the same freedom and victory that she has experienced through an intimate relationship with Jesus Christ. This level of intimacy with Jesus can only be obtained through revealing your true identity as an heir and co-heir of the Kingdom of God. As a mother of 3 children she is determined to intercede for the generations. Her heart’s desire is to see freedom and restoration brought to the generations both now and to come!
Polly Altman

Polly Altman is a powerful woman of God. She walks in prophetic anointing as well as a strong healing anointing and has seen hundreds of people healed and set free in her lifetime. Her expertise in the deliverance ministry has been used for close to 40 years. She has seen many ministers raised up in her lifetime. Polly and her husband Jim were a part of building The Life Center in Dunwoody, GA. Polly believes that every person has the ability to hear from the Father and walk free of the chains that life has beset them in. Polly believes strongly that the gifts of the spirit are for today and that those she ministers to should know their giftings as well as walk in their identity. She has a personality that is able to relate to all individuals and is loved by all. She brings a wealth of knowledge to those she ministers to. Her heart is for every person to fulfill their purpose and destiny set forth by the father.
Mike Konkel

Mike is a strong man of God who dreams to see the world around him transformed through ones personal identity and relationship with the Father. He walks in a seer and prophet anointing which allows him to flow within the spiritual realm with ease. He has seen many changes in the churches in his days and stands to provide a platform of the prophetic for for apostolic ministry. Mike is an ordained minister with a heart after the Father. His passion in this ministry is to release the prophetic and build up a kingdom ministry that supports ministers as well as much loved children of God. His kind and compassionate heart along with his experience and understanding make him a key to so many relationships within the kingdom.