Before we arrived, I was excited but also apprehensive about what to expect and how our sessions would go. We had prayed for God to prepare us as well as the Hendersons, so I knew He would ‘work all things together for our good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose’ – Rom 8:28, so above all there was also great anticipation to arrive at CFC. From the start, Britt and Shannon made us feel comfortable and safe. They are people of peace. Britt said, ‘welcome home’, and we began our sessions.

Britt and Shannon are a powerful team, overflowing with God’s Love. They are encouraging, instructive, challenging, and insightful while being very sensitive to the Holy Spirit as we navigated the God-directed topics in each session. They utilize a great deal of scripture for direction while emphasizing a deep personal relationship with God the Father, or as Britt calls Him, ’Daddy’. Looking at God through this lens broke down religious barriers and helped us see where we had embraced lies about our identity in Christ. It isn’t about activities, works, or doing this or that to gain and keep His approval. It is about ‘being’ instead of ‘doing’, and that ‘being’ is in His presence. Through our discussions I started to see so many ways in which I was trying to control and work for God’s approval. Britt then walked me though coming face to face with Jesus. I was overwhelmed with His love and acceptance of me, as well as the realization that He is pleased with me. This wasn’t to be a one-time encounter, but the start of a new way of living in a deep personal relationship in addition to taking time to read scripture, pray, and worship.     

‘Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.’ – Matt 11:28-30. This verse seems most appropriate when I consider my time at CFC and why we highly recommend this ministry. Britt and Shannon helped us identify so many ways in which we were carrying burdens which we were not meant to handle, resulting in a lack of peace and rest. Then they pointed us to building a deep, personal relationship with Jesus, which yields true freedom.

– D & C Kelley 

I found myself sitting in a comfortable leather sofa facing Britt and Shannon but my heart was full of doubt, guarded, and bitter.  I was ready to deflect whatever they were going to throw at me.
My mentor introduced CFC to me in January 2023.  My plan was to come and get it over with in January before my new job started, but God had a different time for me — late March.
The first day with Britt and Shannon didn’t go well.  I was furious at them, my husband, and God.  I was practically mad at the whole world! When the meeting was over, Britt mentioned that God had a special plan and calling for me.  I stopped him and spoke with an annoyed voice, “Did God ask me if I want to be on board with that special calling?”  I really didn’t want that calling, and I was pretty much exhausted from the journey God put me through so far.  Britt and Shannon told me I needed to decide if I wanted to go on.  Otherwise, I don’t have to come back.  The decision had to be mine.
For two days, I didn’t eat or drink.  I read the first four books of the New Testament until I found an answer from God.  After two days of wrestling in the spirit, I found the answer.  (Later, I found out that so many people were praying for me.  They were engaged in a spiritual battle and fighting over me.)
”When the Sabbath was over, Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James, and Salome bought spices so that they might go to anoint Jesus’ body. Very early on the first day of the week, just after sunrise, they were on their way to the tomb and they asked each other, “Who will roll the stone away from the entrance of the tomb?” But when they looked up, they saw that the stone, which was very large, had been rolled away.“
Mark 16:1-4 NIV
God reminded me of the testimony I shared based on this passage nearly 3 decades ago during my college Friday night worship service.  I decided that I am going to just keep on going toward God although I don’t know all the answers as I face big rocks.  So I decided to go back to Britt and Shannon to hear what God had to say through them.
Wednesday afternoon, I was sitting at the same spot facing Britt and Shannon, but my heart was open to hear what the Lord had to say.  And I met God.  Britt took me through and helped me to find Jesus.  It was a different level of encounter.  Jesus brought peace to my heart, and I was able to see God as my Father who loves me so much.
I am a beloved child of God who wants so much for me. 
I am safe.
I am free.
I am loved.
I am cared for.
I don’t have to be afraid.
Somehow, there was a deep conviction that nothing could stop my God from loving me.  I don’t have to be in fear, fear of failure.  If I mess up, it’s okay.  My mind started thinking differently.  I felt I was given a different set of eyes.  I was able to see from a spiritual perspective.
The day I was delivered was my actual birthday.  God gave me a new birth on my birthday.  God saved me.
Saved my marriage.
Saved children.
Saved the ministry.
As God delivered me through Jesus, I could see who I am in the Lord.  Understanding my identity in Jesus helped me to see my calling.  One of the questions Britt and Shannon asked was, “What do I desire for Ken?”  Frankly, I didn’t care about my husband’s desire that much since I was hurting.  But when God delivered me, I was able to see what I desired for my husband.  I wanted my husband to fulfill God’s will in his life.  And I wanted to help him.  I knew this was my calling.  And this is only possible as we both walk towards God and center our hearts in God.  As we love God and love one another, the cross is formed. 
This is the vision Britt had in his dream before we even arrived.  Later, Britt and Shannon shared how much spiritual battle they had engaged in even before we got there.  I am very grateful for Britt and Shannon answering the calling God placed in their hearts so that people like me are blessed and delivered.
It has been nine months since the deliverance.  The journey has been good.  Have I been walking perfectly without falling?  No, but I don’t go through the previous cycle of depression, bitterness, anger, fear, and anxiousness each time I face challenges or stumble.  I have received so much love and support from Britt and Shannon who continue to check in from time to time, and I am so thankful for their genuine hearts of compassion.  They spoke truth in love.  They didn’t pity me or agree with my feelings of orphan spirit.  Those words of truth spoken in love helped me to see my identity and calling.

– Hannah Roh

WOW! 2 weeks after returning home, my relationship with the Lord is better than it has ever been in over 20 years of walking with Him after rededicating my life. Long story short I suffered from a severe misunderstanding of knowing God as Father. It was more like ‘the Father’ rather than ‘Father’, and that one little word made all the difference. The orphan spirit robbed me of so much peace and joy over the years. Despite not being a physical orphan, the way I usually related to God can best be further described in this way: looking to Jesus the Elder Brother to help smooth things over with our Father, because He’s probably so disappointed in me that it’s best that I not approach Him directly too often.
In times of struggling with sin I thought God the Father was more like The Godfather, just looking for a reason to punish me for my misdeeds. Despite knowing on a doctrinal level that this was foolishness, in my heart it was a completely different story most of the time. God had been teaching me the importance of replacing old thought patterns with truth in recent years and I had made some progress, but in just 2 and a half days in Georgia at this ministry it was like a shot of holy adrenaline went straight into my soul and a brand new way of living has become a reality since then. Britt and Shannon minister Abba’s heart so powerfully in every session, and the Holy Spirit was there to teach and reveal things every step of the way. I’m so thankful for them and the Kingdom-building they have dedicated their lives to. I entered into the spirit of sonship as Abba’s love rocked my world like never before. Chains of shame and self-loathing were broken and I actually felt lighter physically as well as spiritually!
A number of years ago I heard a quote from Brennan Manning that said ‘The central revelation of Jesus Christ in the New Testament is that God is Abba, Daddy’. I couldn’t quite believe it then- not really. But now I do! Thank You, Father! Abba, I belong to You. 

– Anonymous

My experience with CFC ministries was literally life changing. Britt, Shannon and the CFC ministry team is phenomenal, and the way their team operates in the spirit was a whole new experience for me. For the first time I was able to see Jesus fully, to experience true intimacy with the Father, and to receive who he says I am when we uprooted so many of the lies that had controlled my identity for the majority of my life and replaced them with truth. Through the teaching, support, and direction in the spirit of CFC ministries I gained a new confidence and knowledge in the Lord and my identity in him. I am a Daughter of the Most High God! Thank you CFC family & Holy Spirit for helping me find a new freedom in the Lord. 

– Jessica

For the first time in my life, I felt seen and heard. It’s hard to put into words the emotional rollercoaster I was on while down in Georgia. All the years of tears finally made sense. Britt and Shannon’s warm and welcoming environment, and that big brown couch bring everything to light. I’m no stranger to healing and deliverance, but the 3 days with Britt and Shannon are unlike anything I’ve experienced. It’s individualized, intimate, and safe. I encountered Jesus in the most beautifully unique way that I don’t think I could have experienced elsewhere. From the minute I left Cincinnati and drove the 7 hours down 75, until the last minute spent with Britt and Shannon, God was EVERYWHERE. Speaking to me so loud and clear and through so many ways, I was truly overwhelmed by His presence. I came to CFC in hopes of relief and freedom. What I left with was a greater understanding of who I am. Who HE says that I am. I was born Jennifer Anne, grew up as Jennie, and graduated to Jen as an adult. Who am I now? I am His Beloved.

– Jen

I had been emotionally and spiritually stuck for eight months when I arrived at CFC. After the first session I felt so much relief, I told them “I could leave right now and I’d be happy.” Obviously, I stayed. During the remainder of my time, I learned that if I look for Jesus in any situation and take his hand, he will lovingly reveal what I need to know, guide me through it and relieve me of the burden (Matthew 11:28-30). I have seen my behaviors change without even having to think about changing them; a true reflection of the healing that occurred. Daily, I am filled with so much joy and freedom since going to CFC. I never knew life could be this way. And now that I know, I want everyone to experience it. Or if you want a shorter version:  Mind-blowing ministry from day one. Want joy and freedom? Want to know Jesus more intimately than you ever thought possible? Sign up and experience it all for yourself.

– Kim

In February of this year I went to Come Follow Christ in GA. It was there that the understanding that there is no where Jesus would rather be than sitting right next to me came to life.  Me. In my mind, I always thought he has so many other people to take care of – but on this trip, it was really solidified for me that He was right there.  I could feel him, hear him and talk to him like I had never experienced. Something was turned on in my heart that took my breath away and at the same time made me want him more and more and I couldn’t wait to wake up and spend more time with him.  THIS, this is what had been missing. In my short time at CFC Jesus showed me why I came into this world 2 months early, that my experience in the womb was full of anxiety and I wanted to leave it because I could feel all of the stress my mom was carrying. He showed me that he was right there with me on the steps when my parents told my sister and I they were getting divorced – even though I didn’t know him yet. He showed me that even though I had forgiven my riding trainer for the sexual abuse, I was carrying a tremendous guilt for the other little girl he had done it to because I was too afraid to speak up. I learned I had put my stepfather on a pedestal because I was desperate for love and approval but that only God was to be placed on a pedestal and that we have to have our faith in God and not man. At first I was hurt seeing my young self in all those environments full of anxiety – My mom’s circumstances, financial stress, her heart pain from a failed marriage and then an abusive one – all leaving her unable to care for me, I saw myself leap into action coming to take care of her – even from infancy. A fear based control spirit maybe from birth. But Jesus helped me to see it all through His eyes and he gently and very patiently lead me my entire life into places of peace. And right now, he is teaching me how to BE rather than do – My entire life I have been doing. It is in this place of being with him that I am growing the most. Resting in his love seems like such a simple thing, but retraining myself is so hard.  My natural instinct is to go – and I know he will use that for his purpose, but first he is teaching me to be with him so that my go will be from his direction, not my own. And the best part of it all – it is for our entire families reconciliation.  I also learned in my time with Jesus that I was so empty from the going and doing (with gas that wasn’t from him), that I had nothing to give my children – so they too were empty.  When I am plugged into him, what comes from me is his love and they also receive that. While it felt like a giant game board that had been flipped upside down when I came back with all this – now feels like a giant ship that is slowly being turned for His greater purpose. 

– Lauren

I’m not sure if I can exactly articulate why CFC had such a major effect on my life. I know that following my deliverance from demonization in 2019, the Lord made it clear that I should receive personal ministry from them. As I spoke with them in March 2021, the Holy Spirit would guide the flow of our meetings. For instance, after telling them I’ve suffered from jaw clenching and pain for several years, Britt was shown this was due to a Freemasonry generational curse in my family. After renouncing this, the jaw issues left permanently. Another significant result was an unhealthy soul-tie broken with my parents. This had held back my development my entire adult life. It’s no coincidence that a few months later I met my current wife. There were many other topics covered and issues addressed.

– William

Now that I am about three months out of my personal time with CFC Ministries, I have come to discover that their ministry was paramount in helping to restore me to God on a deeply-foundational level. When I first arrived in Canton in July, I was, in simplest terms, an emotional, mental, and spiritual mess and had no idea what I was getting myself into. I honestly didn’t even know what I was battling internally but I knew I was in trauma mode and desperate for relief. Through three and a half days of personal ministry with CFC (yep, that’s how they roll!), I came to realize I was unconsciously believing several lies about who God really is and lies about who I am.  I realized that I was walking in subconscious fear and idolatry of self (yuck!) even though I would have told anyone that I was/am not a fearful person.  I struggled with the notion of having to be perfect and this lie unintentionally carried over into my personal relationships and manifested as me constantly being agitated (or angry even) with no idea as to what was stirring me up.  In essence, I had no peace and no idea how to get it.  As the three of us processed my junk (which was eventually revealed to have its roots in childhood trauma), and via the leading of the Holy Spirit, I was able to gradually replace those lies with the Truth and as a result, I came into total alignment with God and was ultimately delivered of the fear/anger that relentlessly tortured me internally.  I can now say I am a different person as an outcome of my time with CFC (Yes, I know that is a big statement, but I truly believe this about myself) and my wife and my kids have all said the same about me.  With the lies and the fear now removed, I now have that peace that surpasses all understanding (Phil 4:7) which is indicative of healing/restoration – and I am learning how to love myself and how to love others selflessly rather than selfishly.  I am learning how to become a FRIEND of God – my new, ultimate desire!  My familial relationships are being restored and redeemed and I just can’t get enough of His goodness!  I am boldly and powerfully walking in a new-found hope and confidence.  My hope is that all of you can experience even a small taste of the radical transformation that I have come to know – which started during my time with CFC!

– David

When I got to CFC I had begun to already sort of ”wake up” and saw that many things were out of line in my life. I had no idea how to move forward I just knew I couldn’t stay where I was. I had always known that I was made for something more but was always just waiting for life to happen to me/I didn’t know how to make that “more“ happen. Upon arriving we dove deep-super deep and immediately dealt with some pretty massive childhood trauma that I had repressed. Britt, Shannon and some other ministers they work with along with most especially, the Holy Spirit helped me face and recognize these and subsequently deal with them appropriately. As I spent time there I began to discover why I had always felt “less than” my whole life and why I never really believed anything good about myself. I began to shift that terrible perspective and line it up with more of how God truly sees me and I began then and am now even more seeing myself that way. I have more clarity about my life than I ever have. I honestly felt like I was asleep/unconscious for a lot of my life and I’m awake now. My personal time at CFC was the most encouraging experience I’ve ever had and I sometimes struggle through tears talking about it because it was so incredibly life changing on so many levels for me. I see more of my purpose in this life and what I believe I was made for and am really excited about all of the possibilities God has for me. I felt previously that I wasn’t sure if I was doing what I was supposed to be doing-I felt I was flying blind-after my time there I feel I’m exactly where I’m supposed to be doing what I’m created to do-very often. Through CFC I came to realize I was my biggest critic/my own worst enemy and my dark thoughts about myself are what was really holding me back from my potential. No more of that for me, I’m dreaming big and going for great now because I know and BELIEVE now that I was created for amazing things.

– Nicole

It was a long ride to Georgia on a motorcycle and so very worth it! Britt and Shannon are amazing! Working together seamlessly, they have found that elusive balance point between challenge and grace. They created a safe and sacred space for me to experience God in unprecedented ways! I was challenged to take an honest look at my life (past and present) and trust Jesus to begin re-writing the stories that I’ve told myself for 40+ years, BUT I was supported and encouraged each step of the way as I opened myself to Jesus. Looking back now, it seems like they created a Spirit-rich environment for me to discover the “Easy Button” in my life. Things that always seemed difficult before…things that once took great effort…seem to happen almost naturally now. Working in tandem with God, it seems they helped me find the keys to open the door to my true self…the man God created me to be…but always seemed just out of reach. Shannon and Britt both have strong natural gifts, but it is their supernatural gifting that makes CFC Ministries what it is AND worth a ten hour motorcycle ride in the rain!

– Jeff

Words can’t describe the beauty we experienced at CFC. Our family (husband, wife, and 9 week old baby) attended. Our lives, and the lives our our children, are forever changed. CFC helped us unveil the secret, tormenting roots of our lives and set us free, launching us into freedom, hope, and the ability to see and experience the abundant riches God has for our lives. We look at life from a completely different, clear-eyed perspective. Because CFC helped bring us healing in our relationship with God, we can now connect on a personal relationship with Jesus we didn’t even know was possible. This has changed everything. We walked away with understanding of how to practically battle the enemy and truly have a richer life. It feels so good to experience true freedom from fear, shame, etc. and to now have more intimacy and enjoyment of God, each other, and life. During our time of sharing, we felt cared for, discovered, and honored. You won’t be sorry investing in your relationship with the Lord, which effects all of life, by attending this beautiful ministry. 

– Joseph and Samantha

When I think about the me before CFC, I hardly recognize myself. I used to live in a place of pride, fear, and rejection. I was frustrated because I knew there was a better life out there but I just did not know how to access the love that God had for me. After my time at CFC, I am glad to say I now know about the love of God to a completely different level. My time at the ministry was beyond fantastic, and everyday since then God’s grace and love have brought me deeper into more truth and freedom. Shannon and Britt give you tools and teach you how to use them, love on you, and help you see lies and truth in your life. Now I live each moment of life as an adventure of trust. Thank you, Jesus! 

– Scarlet

If you asked people to describe me you would have received comments such as: “full of energy, joyful, consistent, loves the Lord”. The first time I heard God’s voice, I was 9. I have been in Missions, led Women’s Ministry, High School Ministry, Intercession teams, and been involved with in-depth Bible studies for 22 years. I’m 52, personal trainer, group fitness instructor and manage the Pilates and GF department at one of the best facilities in St. Louis. My entire life – physically, emotionally, and spiritually I have been in high gear.  I walked into CfC ministries desperate and burned out. I could no longer handle the inner torment of fear, self-hatred, rejection, and accusation. My body was breaking down. I hated the battle that was going on in my mind and spiritually I compared myself to others and found myself lacking. I was desperate for freedom, wholeness, and rest.

Britt and Shannon wasted no time. With a peace that is rare, an anointing I have not seen before, they drew me out with questions. With gentle persistence they would not allow me to back away from the pain of certain life events.  Without condemnation and judgment, they taught me how I had participated with the enemy, how I had reacted to relationships or events in my life. They helped me hear and see God; they spoke truth and prayed me through until I was whole and free. They are powerfully gifted to see where people are at and the wisdom to help them into freedom.

For the first time in 52 years, I feel free. I know exactly who I am in Christ and what my purpose is. I have a deep joy knowing the joy that the Father has over me. I am equipped for an abundant life in the Spirit and the knowledge on how to fight the enemy and cast down lies. I see what comes from God and what does not. My past no longer has a negative effect on my present relationships with family, friends, or God. I am different, I am whole, I am free, and I am at rest – thank you, Jesus! Truth has been applied to every relationship and every painful or confusing circumstance. I have more clarity and the hopeful expectation as I walk out that my sight and hearing will continue to grow.  I am extremely grateful for the faithfulness of God, how He kept me and sustained me, and led me to Come Follow Christ ministries. They have helped change the trajectory of my life and have set me up to receive all God has for me in my relationship with Him.

-Lisa McLain